Photo of Board members and staff at AGM

A resolution to change the name of Borders Voluntary Care Voice to Borders Care Voice was approved by members at the Annual General Meeting on 14th September.

A recent external evaluation of the organisation recommended that BVCV needs to improve how it is marketed.

Photo of Board members and staff at AGM

Treasurer Pippa Dickson, Chief Officer Jenny Smith and Chair Graeme Nisbet at the AGM

The resolution proposed at the AGM concerned one specific issue identified by the Board, who believe that the word “voluntary” in the organisation’s name has caused some stakeholders to misunderstand its role. Specifically, some stakeholders believe that the organisation only represents volunteers in the care sector, which is not the case.

The process for changing the name involves seeking consent from The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) and amending the constitution to specify the new name. OSCR gave its consent to the name change in June this year.

The resolution proposed by the Board regarding the change to the constitution to reflect the name change was accepted.




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