The new Health and Social Care Standards became effective from 1 April this year, replacing the National Care Standards.

They have the care experiences of individuals at the heart, underpinned by six principles: dignity and respect; compassion; be included; responsive care and support; and wellbeing.

The Standards are being promoted, understood, and adopted across local organisations who are:

  • commissioned to deliver health and social care services
  • play another role including, for example, peer support, information and advice, advocacy, etc.

The Standards are unique in that they are relevant across all health, social care and social work services.  Not just to those involved in care delivery, but also those involved in the planning and commissioning of health, care and social work services.

The Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and other scrutiny bodies will be required to take the Standards into account when regulating and inspecting services.

Download the Health and Social Care Standards

Download the Health and Social Care Standards – easy read version




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